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RFID Keyfob

RFID Keyfob

RFID Keyfob is a smart identification solution for personnel applications with LF or HF RFID chip sealed inside. These tags are durable, waterproof and heat-resisting. They can also be customized with a logo printing.

Unlike traditional keys, fobs transmit a passcode that automatically times out after a period of time. This makes them much harder to hack into.

Ease of use

If you manage apartment complexes, gated communities or other rental properties, RFID key fobs can help you streamline security and promote tenant independence. You can reprogram fobs to grant access to cleaning crews, dog walkers, and babysitters without having to supervise them or worry about their theft.

Moreover, RFID key fobs are easy to replace. If a resident misplaces one, you can simply disable the fob’s access rights with your building management system. It also eliminates the need to send out new keys for new tenants or to pay for lost ones, saving you both time and money.

The chip on these badges is encapsulated in a tight plastic shell, making them resistant to moisture and heat. They can be molded into different shapes and materials to match the requirements of your facility’s access control system. And they are available in a wide range of colors, thicknesses, chips, and logo printing. We can even encrypt them for your company’s unique data needs.

You can also use these badges in your time and attendance tracking system to automate employee check-in or check-out procedures. This enables you to quickly generate accurate time sheets and improve employee performance monitoring.

Tighter security

Modern key fobs are a convenient way to tighten security in businesses that deal with expensive items. These small devices are easy to operate, and they help reduce theft. They also eliminate the need for staff to hand out keys and run manual security checks. This improves employee efficiency and increases customer satisfaction.

They work through RFID, an intelligent barcode system that uses radio RFID Keyfob frequencies to identify and track data on tags. When a key fob is scanned by an RFID reader, it signals that the user is authorized to enter.

These key fobs have a microchip and an antenna that communicate with the RFID reader. The communication is wireless and happens instantly. They can also prevent MITM attacks, which are a growing threat to businesses. They can even block relay attacks, which are among the most common types of vehicle theft.

This technology is ideal for apartment buildings and gated communities because it allows tenants to grant access to cleaning crews, dog walkers and babysitters without having to show their keys. Moreover, it provides flexibility and allows for more sophisticated building security measures. The fobs can also be reprogrammed to allow for different levels of access for each tenant. This is especially useful for security departments and board members who may need more restricted access. This way, unauthorized personnel cannot gain access to sensitive information or assets.


Unlike traditional keys, which require physical contact with the mifare desfire ev2 device to unlock it, RFID key fobs send signals via radio frequencies to the receiver units found inside of devices. When a fob receives a signal from the reader, it sends back a coded response. This communication happens instantaneously, and the reader only allows access to a device or system when the signal matches its database of information.

For example, an apartment building may use RFID security systems that allow tenants to grant access to cleaners or board members. This can reduce the need for tenants to meet with security and eliminates the risk of key duplication. Additionally, many RFID key fobs have a special space that can be used to personalize the item with a unique name or number, as well as a company logo or brand claim. This makes them a popular marketing tool that is often given away at events, as a gift for employees or customers, or as part of a customer loyalty program.

In addition, some RFID key fobs are equipped with biometric authentication features that help prevent unauthorized access to a device or system. These features may include a fingerprint scanner, iris scan, or voice recognition to verify the identity of the user. These are becoming increasingly common as a second-factor or multi-factor authentication (MFA) method, and they help safeguard prime data from malicious actors.


Unlike traditional lock and key options, which can be compromised with tools such as picking locks or breaking down the tumblers, modern RFID Fobs require more than just a physical presence. They use radio frequency signals to communicate with an RFID reader, a device that verifies the fob’s information.

This verification process ensures that the person carrying the fob is authorized to access a specific area. This means that if you have multiple tenants living in an apartment building, each tenant can have their own fob that gives them exclusive access to their individual floor while keeping others out.

These devices can also be used to track assets such as laptops or tools in a business environment. By simply attaching an RFID tag, employees can monitor the location of their equipment while avoiding the costly impacts of theft or loss.

Additionally, modern RFID Fobs can be configured to work with a variety of different readers and systems. Moreover, the chip inside these devices is write protected to prevent them from being reprogrammed by hackers. These devices are also made from sturdy, waterproof plastics that can resist harsh weather conditions. You can even customize your RFID Fobs by adding a custom message or a company logo to give them more branding appeal and increase brand loyalty. This is a great way to advertise your company while tightening security at the same time.