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The Basics of PWM Servo Motor Driver

Most hobby servo motors have a fixed range of motion. They require a continuous supply of position pulses to maintain their desired positions.

This is accomplished by sending a pulse to the servo’s signal line every 20ms. The width of each pulse determines the angular position. The most common widths are 0.5ms for 0 degrees and 2.5ms for 180 degrees.


Servo motors are used to control movement in electromechanical projects, such as robotic arms or hexapod walkers. They can be very precise, but controlling them requires careful design to avoid getting frustrated due to inaccurate positioning. To get the most out of a servo motor, it is essential to understand the basics of PWM control. By evaluating your hardware, choosing the correct hardware, setting up the PWM signal, and writing the right code, you can use a servo motor in any project.

Unlike a regular DC motor, servos have a specific power rating and torque for each position. The rated speed and torque are determined by the size of the motor shaft, its mounting points, and any gears that are attached to it.

In most servo systems, the motor shaft is connected to the mechanism that it is controlling (like a robot arm). The servo drive controls the motor by receiving command signals from the control circuit and regulating the current sent to the motor based on feedback from sensors like potentiometers, encoders, or resolvers. These sensors measure the actual speed and position of the motor shaft and send feedback to the servo drive, which compares this information to the command signal and adjusts the power accordingly.

Typical servos have a maximum rotation constraint of 90° from the neutral position, which can be varied by changing the pulse width. A pulse width of 1.5 ms puts the shaft in the neutral position, while longer pulse widths move it clockwise and shorter pulse widths move it counterclockwise.

Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)

The PWM function provides a way to control the average voltage or current delivered to a load/device. It does this by rapidly switching pwm servo motor driver the semiconductor switches at a high frequency, usually a few kilohertz or higher. The length of the ON time (or pulse width) is adjusted to achieve different results, such as controlling motor speed or LED brightness.

For example, if a servo motor is receiving a pulse with a width of 1 ms, it will rotate its shaft to the neutral position. A wider pulse will command it to move to a specific angle. Generally, different servos have a range of positions that they can be moved to, and this can vary between brands.

A common type of servo is one that can rotate continuously between 0 and 180 degrees. These can be used for robots, grippers, conveyor belts, and many other applications.

In order to control a continuous servo motor, you need a separate encoder to read the feedback signal from the motor. This is an important part of the servo’s control system, and it allows you to know the actual position of the motor. This is especially useful when you need to adjust the position of the motor. This is because it allows you to make small changes to the pulse widths that are sent to the servo, allowing for greater accuracy.


The frequency of the control signal is important, because it determines how often the servo motor will rotate. A servo motor with a frequency of 50 Hz will complete 50 pwm servo motor driver manufacturer full cycles every second. A lower frequency means that the servo will rotate more slowly.

The servo motor is a complex electromechanical device that requires precise control in order to operate correctly. This is why the embedded circuitry on a servo keeps track of its own position and continuously corrects for unintended changes. Whether you are a hobbyist building robots or an engineer designing industrial systems, learning how servos work opens new doors to your projects and expands the capabilities of your project’s hardware.

The “Duty Cycle” of a servo motor is the length of a positive pulse (square wave). Most servos can accept a range of widths, but 0.5ms is typically the minimum and 2ms is the maximum. Providing a pulse with a duration longer than 1.5ms will move the servo to the opposite direction of its neutral 90 degree position. Likewise, a pulse with a duration shorter than 1.5ms will move the servo toward its 180 degree position. This varies between servos, so you must consult the specifications of your specific servo. Using a Wokwi logic analyzer can help you understand these concepts by showing the voltage status of your pins, measuring pulse widths and more.


If you’re using a standard servo motor, it can be controlled by sending a PWM signal with the right frequency and pulse width range. The servo motor will be able to determine its target position based on the incoming signals and continuously correct for unintended shifts. Usually, the minimum and maximum shaft positions will correspond to the smallest and largest pulse widths. It can vary a lot between different servos though. It is best to refer to their data sheets to know what pulse widths will correspond to what kind of movement.

For example, if you want the servo to be in its neutral position, you’ll need to send a pulse width of 1.5ms. Anything smaller will move the shaft clockwise and anything larger will move it counterclockwise. Similarly, you can change the angle of the servo by changing the frequency and pulse width of the PWM signal.

Microcontrollers have limited number of PWM outputs so if you’re trying to build something complex like a robotic arm or hexapod walker, you might run out of PWM outputs and your project won’t work. Fortunately, there are I2C modules that can provide many PWM outputs to offload the burden from your microcontroller. For instance, the Automation1-iSMC 16-Channel Servo/PWM Driver can control up to 16 servos and can use only 2 pins (I2C) from your microcontroller.