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How Does an RFID Keyfob Work?

How Does an RFID Keyfob Work?

Whether you need to keep track of employees’ time and attendance or want to monitor building access, RFID key fobs are the answer. They also allow you to easily deactivate a fob that’s been lost or stolen, preventing unauthorized entries.

Fobs are perfect for apartment complexes, gated communities and other residential communities to restrict access to common areas for only those who have privileges.

Ease of Use

While most RFID key fobs look the same, they can differ in how they work. Some fobs work at a RFID Keyfob lower frequency than others and may have a poor quality chip or antenna that prevents them from working properly. Many fobs also have a unique serial number that helps identify them as individual products. These factors make them difficult to copy and more secure.

These devices can be used in a variety of ways, including access control, time and attendance, identification, logistics, tickets, membership solutions, cashless vending, and more. They can even be engraved with logos or other information to enhance their functionality and branding. They are a cost-effective way to improve security and add convenience to a wide range of systems and services.

They are ideal for apartment complexes and gated communities, as they can restrict access to certain areas without having to hire a security guard to check for permission. They also reduce the need for physical keys and passcodes, and can be deactivated if they are lost or stolen. Moreover, they can provide valuable insights into employee movement in a building or office. This can be useful for identifying patterns of theft or vandalism. Additionally, they can be used to track assets like tools or laptops, which can help employers save money by preventing loss or theft.


Many people prefer key fobs over keys because of their convenience. Rather than having to have a different key for each access level (e.g., the building manager might need full access to all areas, while a help desk worker might only have limited access), you can program each key fob with a unique ID that matches the security level of the associated reader device. Then, the fobs will only work with that device to lock or unlock it – and no other devices can use them.

Another advantage is the tighter security they offer. They’re more difficult to copy than traditional keys, making them a great way to keep the contents of your business safe from theft and robbery. Additionally, you can easily track the usage of key fobs and deactivate them if an employee loses one.

RFID key fobs are also useful in apartment complexes and gated communities because they allow residents to gain entry into the main building, community pool or storage facilities without the need for a security guard to check them for privileges. This is especially convenient for tenants who live far away from the main entrance, as it saves them time and energy from traveling to the building’s front door to prove their identity before entering. Plus, residents can also use their key fobs to access the pool or gym in a single swipe.


Although RFID key fobs are convenient, they do come with some security risks. Thieves targeting cars can use a relay technique to intercept and redirect signals to gain access and start the engine. A popular way to prevent this is to put your key fobs in an RFID signal-blocking pouch or wallet when you’re not using them.

Unlike physical keys, RFID key fobs can be deactivated if they are lost or stolen. This is mifare desfire ev2 a good feature for businesses, as it prevents someone from having access to a building or room without your permission. It also means that a business can easily record the time and date of when an employee enters and exits a specific area of the building.

For the most secure key fobs, consider buying ones that require two-factor authentication (2FA) or multifactor authentication (MFA). These systems require a username and password along with a passcode. This means that if bad actors steal or hack your key fob, they’ll need to have access to the device and network to take advantage of it.

Generally, the best RFID key fobs are resistant to moisture, shocks, and drops. They’re often made with durable plastic, and have a waterproof and dustproof design. These factors make them ideal for business and personal use. They’re a great choice for people who need a convenient way to gain access to their car or home, but still want added security for their personal information and possessions.


Modern key fobs work through RFID, which uses electromagnetic fields to track information on tags. When a user presents a fob to an RFID reader, the microchip communicates with the device to open the door. This is similar to how barcodes function in a traditional barcode system.

Businesses can use RFID key fobs to restrict access to sensitive areas of the facility. The technology also allows them to customize who is allowed entry and when. In addition, they can use them to track employee movements and prevent loss.

These keyfobs can be customized with different colors, shapes, materials and chips to fit your business needs. They can be printed with your company’s logo or information to help identify the keyfob to users. They are also waterproof, heat-resisting and can withstand frequent handling and impacts.

In apartment complexes and gated communities, key fobs can be used to grant tenants access to common areas like the pool and storage rooms. This helps to keep the facilities secure without requiring security guards to monitor all of the doors at the building. It also saves time since there’s no need for tenants to show their cards to the front desk staff when checking out. To further increase security, many establishments offer a master key for employees to enter the property in case of an emergency or lost card.