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How Does an RFID Keyfob Work?

RFID Keyfob

How Does an RFID Keyfob Work?

Modern key fobs work through RFID, an intelligent barcode system that uses electromagnetic fields to track data on tags. They are small enough to attach to a key chain and can be used for access control, time and attendance, identification, logistics, tickets and membership solutions.

They’re ideal for businesses that need to monitor employee entry in restricted areas and during designated shifts. They’re also easy to block when an employee is terminated, preventing theft or unauthorized usage.

Ease of Use and Management

Modern key fobs work via radio-frequency identification (RFID), which is like an intelligent barcode system. When a fob is held or waved near an RFID reader, the chip inside sends out a passcode that signals the reader to open the door. Fobs also feature unique identifiers based on their manufacturer and an authorization code that the building’s security office authorizes for their use.

These codes make it difficult for fobs to be copied and used by unauthorized people. Additionally, most RFID systems include security features that make it easy for staff to track who’s coming in and out of the building.

This makes it easier for tenants to grant access RFID Keyfob to cleaning crews, dog walkers and babysitters without worrying that their keys are being copied by others. This helps reduce the workload for property managers and frees up time to focus on revenue-generating activities.

Tighter Security

When it comes to securing your home, key fob systems can be more secure than traditional keys. Many of these devices include a built-in passcode that locks the system after a few seconds. This can help prevent unauthorized access from intruders and children who may want to use the service.

Some of these devices also feature motion sensors that put them into sleep mode if they haven’t moved in a few seconds. This can help prevent thefts and burglaries, especially if the device is left in the car or within range of an outdoor door or entry point.

Unlike standard cards, key fobs are small enough to be easily carried and can be used with a variety of devices. In addition, they can be programmed for specific levels of access and privileges, making them ideal for apartment complexes and gated communities.

These devices also allow you to track employee time and attendance, which is helpful if you’re looking to improve your business’s efficiency. This technology can also be paired with biometric authentication, which uses unique biological qualities such as fingerprints or iris scans to validate identities.


Unlike traditional keys, key fobs contain codes and programs inside the microchip. These are difficult for hackers to imitate, providing added security against theft.

You can also track employees’ time and attendance using the key fobs. Employees swipe their fobs to enter and leave work, which allows you to record the exact times they arrive and depart from your premises.

In order to process this data, your application should use the rfid_TagLost event instead of the rfid_Tag event. This is because the rfid_TagLost is triggered only once when the tag leaves the reader area, while the rfid_Tag event triggers repeatedly as long as the tag remains near the reader.

In addition to adding two-factor authentication, RFID key fobs make it easy for businesses to implement a system that allows managers to monitor and control the movement of staff, visitors and equipment. These systems are ideal for businesses in need of greater control over their digital security, and can mifare desfire ev2 help reduce cybercrime. This is a critical step to protecting valuable assets and reducing security risks in your business.

Loyalty Programs

Loyalty programs are a full-fledged marketing strategy that retailers use to reward customers for their business and incentivize them to keep coming back. But loyalty programs are time-consuming and complicated to manage.

RFID key fobs help streamline these processes by eliminating the need to manually read barcodes or swipe cards. When a customer walks in, an RFID sensor recognizes the customer’s unique tag information and automatically triggers interactive signage or Kiosks to display relevant promotions. This helps save time and reduce errors, which improves the overall customer experience.

These durable, comfortable to wear wristbands can also be customized with different colors and logos, making them perfect for event attendance and brand activation. They’re even water-resistant and able to support heavy physical activity, ensuring that they last for the life of the program. They’re a great option for businesses that need to grant access to cleaning crews, dog walkers, or babysitters without having to hand out keys. And they’re also ideal for loyalty and membership card programs. Order RFID key fobs or combo cards to boost your loyalty program and give your brand a distinctive identity.

Asset Tracking

Many businesses have a need to keep track of their physical assets. Losing a single item can be costly, and if you operate a business that moves a lot of items around (such as fax machines, medical supplies or laptops), it’s even more challenging to keep track of them all.

RFID asset tracking allows you to monitor movable equipment remotely. While barcodes and GPS systems can help, RFID offers the advantage of being able to communicate between the tag and reader instantly, and without the need for a signal to be bounced back and forth.

While it is possible to hack a fob, the fact that most users don’t carry them in their pockets and must use special RFID-blocking sleeves to protect them helps limit their chances of being stolen or compromised. Plus, if the fob is lost or stolen, it can be deactivated to prevent access by bad actors.