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Add Flavor to Your Recipes With Milk Flavor Extract

Add Flavor to Your Recipes With Milk Flavor Extract

Milk Flavor Extract adds rich, creamy flavor to beverages and baked recipes. It also enhances chocolate milkshakes, puddings and cheesecake.

Fresh milk has a characteristic flavour that is usually characterized by a pleasant mouth feel resulting from the emulsion of fat globules and colloidal proteins, a slight salty/sweet taste (lactose and milk salts) and a subtle aroma profile. However, the flavour of milk can deteriorate during storage, processing and handling.

Vanilla Extract

Vanilla extract is made by macerating vanilla pods in a solution of ethnal (aka alcohol). It’s the essential ingredient in many western desserts, including cakes, cookies, custard and ice cream.

Vanilla is a labor-intensive crop: each skinny, Milk Flavor Extract dark-brown seed pod comes from an exotic flat-leaf orchid whose flowers must be hand-pollinated. Three-quarters of the world’s vanilla production is in Madagascar and Indonesia; a 2017 cyclone devastated the crop, driving prices sky-high.

Imitation vanilla extract, which can be found on supermarket shelves alongside pure vanilla extract, is flavored with synthetic vanillin. It can be a fine substitute for recipes that spend significant time in the oven, or in sweets with pared-down ingredient lists, like confetti cake and Dunkaroos.

But it’s not as flavorful as the real deal. Our tasters agreed that true vanilla extract offers more complexity than imitation, displaying floral, woody and oaky notes in addition to vanillin.

Peppermint Extract

While we typically associate peppermint with Christmas cookies, bark and chocolate milkshakes, this minty ingredient can be enjoyed year-round. It pairs particularly well with milk, chocolate and vanilla recipes.

Our natural peppermint extract is a must-have for your holiday baking. The flavor is a perfect balance of sweet and minty. Peppermint extract and oil are derived from the same plant (Mentha x piperita). Unlike spearmint, which has less of a cooling effect than menthol, peppermint is rich in menthol and a good choice for chocolate-mint recipes.

If a recipe calls for peppermint oil, Chinelo Awa, professional cake maker and owner of Good Cake Day in London, England, recommends replacing it with about three times as much peppermint extract. She notes that using too much of the oil will have a synthetic taste.

Cinnamon Extract

With a few ingredients, you can make your own homemade cinnamon extract. This flavor is ideal for adding to baked goods like breads and cookies, as well as fall-inspired dessert recipes including pumpkin cheesecake. It’s also great added to hot chocolate, milkshakes, and specialty coffee drinks.

This recipe calls for vodka, but 190 proof Everclear will give you the best results as this alcohol is very high in purity and can pull out the flavor of spices very quickly. Other neutral alcohols like rum or brandy can be used, but will take longer to extract the cinnamon properties.

Cinnamon has been shown to have antifungal and antibacterial properties, and it may help with glucose regulation and insulin sensitivity in individuals who suffer from diabetes. In addition, research shows that the aqueous extract of C. zeylanicum bark has the potential to reduce tau aggregation and filament formation, which are both features of Alzheimer’s disease.

Cardamom Extract

A favorite spice for Indian tea, cardamom can be used in coffee, puddings, baked goods, and iced drinks. Our natural cardamom extract, made with seeds from smallholder farmers in Guatemala, seamlessly replaces vanilla in recipes and adds a delightful tropical flavor.

Traditionally, cardamom is also used as an herbal medicine for digestive problems, morning sickness, and colic for babies. It is also believed to lower blood pressure, although more research is needed.

Like most herbs and supplements, it’s best to consult a health care provider before using cardamom. This is especially true if you’re taking medications or other supplements. However, it’s safe for most people to consume in the amount typically found in food.

Nutmeg Extract

Nutmeg is a stimulating and energizing tonic for the heart. It enhances blood circulation, which makes it a great natural remedy for poor heart health. It also improves brain function. It is a good mood enhancer and can help in relieving depression. It has antioxidant and antibacterial properties. It can boost your metabolism and suppress cravings for sugary foods.

Primary metabolites such as fixed oils, pigments and starch comprise more than 70% of the total weight of nutmeg kernels. Analytical methods utilizing gas chromatography with or without mass spectrometric detection (GC, GC/MS) have been reported in the literature for fingerprinting and standardization of nutmeg volatile oil. On the other hand, normal-phase HPTLC and UPLC-MS methods are more commonly employed for fingerprinting of non-volatile secondary metabolites such as myristicin, macelignan, nectandrin A and B and malabaricones A and C.

A few drops of diluted nutmeg essential oil applied to the stomach relieves various ailments like nausea, flatulence, constipation and abdominal pain. It is also effective in treating skin issues such as acne, dark spots and eczema.

Vanilla Bean Extract

Vanilla extract is an essential ingredient Baking Flavoring in most of our recipes. It can take a dessert from good to great. And it’s easy to make at home.

You’ll need two ingredients to make your own: bourbon and vanilla beans. Look for bourbon that is labeled “pure” to ensure it’s free of artificial flavors, which will affect the taste of your vanilla extract.

The type of vanilla beans you use will also affect the flavor of your vanilla extract. Look for Madagascar, Tahitian, or Mexican vanilla beans. They are all grown in different climates, and each has its own characteristics.

Our vanilla bean extract recipe takes less than 15 minutes to throw together, but it must sit for a minimum of 8 weeks (up to 12 months) to mature. Start your batch in early November so it will be ready to use by Christmas. This homemade vanilla will make a lovely gift for any baker in your life.