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Biaxial PP Plastic Geogrid

Biaxial PP Plastic Geogrid

Biaxial PP Plastic Geogrid is a cost-effective reinforcement material used in construction projects. It is made through a process of extrusion, punching and longitudinal stretching. Its unique structure makes it ideal for transferring loads to the soil beneath it.

The heavy load’s pressure is spread over a large area, which helps in compacting the soil and enhances its strength. This can save you time and labour and lower maintenance costs.


PP plastic biaxial geogrid is made from polypropylene and has high tensile strength. It is used to reinforce the base of road and reduce construction cost and maintenance expense. It also has good acid and alkali resistance, corrosion resistance and ageing resistance. It is a durable construction material that can serve you for a long time.

Whether you’re building a road, retaining wall, or just want to stabilize the soil, you need to use a strong and durable material that will last. The best way to do that is to use a biaxial PP plastic geogrid.

A geogrid is a composite or plastic lattice structure with different technical properties and functions, depending on the application and design of the civil engineering project. Biaxial and uniaxial geogrids are the most commonly used types. The difference between these two is that a biaxial geogrid has the same stabilizing strength in both the longitudinal and transverse directions, while a uniaxial one only has strength in one direction.

The defining property of a geogrid is its aperture, which is the Biaxial PP Plastic Geogrid size of the openings in the mesh. This determines how aggregates, such as soil, stone, and sand, will interlock or strike through them. Another important property of a geogrid is its junction efficiency, which measures how well the ribs interact with each other. The higher the junction efficiency, the stronger the geogrid.


There are several factors that impact the durability of geogrids. These include their structure, polymer, and geometry. In addition, their properties can vary with climate and temperature. For example, in a dry and arid climate, the high temperature of the pavement may cause degradation. Likewise, cold weather can affect the tensile strength of the material. It is therefore important to consider these factors when choosing a geogrid for a particular project.

The biaxial PP Plastic Geogrid has high tensile strength, low elongation, high elastic modulus, good toughness, corrosion resistance and long service life. It is widely used in maintenance of old cement pavement, airport runway, dam, river bank, slope protection and fields of engineering enhancement processing etc. It can scatter pavement bearing stress, prevent pavement fatigue crack, hot cold expansion crack and reflection crack, increase the load capacity of roads, prolong their service lifetime and reduce construction cost.

The PP Biaxial Plastic Geogrid is manufactured through extrusion, punching designed holes, heating while longitudinal and transverse stretching. The resulting product has high tensile strength and excellent interlocking capability. It is also High Strength Plastic Geocell easy to construct and saves construction time and maintain expense. Additionally, it is durable and resists abrasion and mechanical damage. Its symmetrical structure makes it ideal for soil stabilization applications. Titan offers both biaxial and uniaxial geogrids for various civil engineering designs.

Environmentally friendly

Biaxial PP plastic geogrid is a highly-effective and environmentally friendly product for road reinforcement projects. Its square ribs interlock with soil to improve shearing resistance and load bearing capacity. It also helps to reduce the need for coarse aggregate, which can save time and money in a project. It can also be used to reinforce paved roads and parking lots, especially in heavy traffic areas.

Unlike knitted or woven geogrids, which have weaker strengths in the cross machine direction, biaxial polypropylene geogrids have similar strength in both directions. They are also easy to install and offer superior stability for the base of a pavement. Its high plane torsion resistance modulus and low elongation mean that it is more durable and safer to drive over than traditional gravel or asphalt.

Another benefit of PP plastic biaxial geogrids is their water-resistant properties. They can withstand long-term exposure to seawater and other extreme environmental conditions, including high temperatures and humidity. This makes them ideal for construction in extreme climatic regions where concrete may not be an option.

Moreover, PP biaxial geogrids can help to prevent pavement fatigue crack, hot cold expansion crack and reflection cracks in the road surface. They can also disperse the load-bearing stress, prolonging the service life of the road surface and reducing maintenance costs. Besides, they can enhance the roadbed bearing capacity and improve drainage.

Ease of installation

Whether you’re doing a construction project on a slope or need to reinforce your soil, Biaxial PP Plastic Geogrid is an ideal choice. It’s easy to install and can save you time, money, and effort by preventing soil displacement. This type of netting-based geosynthetic is the best solution for stabilizing slopes and earth embankments, foundations, and retaining walls.

Its design includes two orthogonal sets of polymeric tension-resistant components that are commonly referred to as ribs and junction knobs. It also has apertures that allow particles of the soil to penetrate and interact with the ribs and junctions. This allows for more load transfer and enables better soil reinforcement. It also has high plane torsion resistance modulus.

When installing a biaxial geogrid, you should first prepare the site by compacting and leveling it. This will ensure that it’s placed correctly and is in compliance with any standards that may apply to your construction project. Once this is done, it’s important to overlap the geogrid by a certain amount.

The overlap will vary depending on the grading and thickness of the fill. During the filling process, the geogrid can be tied and stapled into place. It’s also important to wear heavy duty hand protection during handling of the geogrid, as it can be sharp. This will prevent it from becoming damaged during the installation process.