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Oil Mist Purifier

Oil Mist Purifier

Modern metalworking machinery produces oil mist and oil smoke when performing operations such as turning, milling, grinding, drilling, pressing, etc. The oil mist and smoke contaminate the air, products, and equipment.

It can cause health problems and reduce productivity. It can also clog filters and coils in the workshop’s HVAC systems, leading to high energy costs.

Reduces Health Hazards

Airborne oil mist particles are a health risk and can have long-term effects on OIL MIST PURIFIER workers. They can cause respiratory problems, skin conditions and even cancer. They can also cause a number of accidents and damage machinery. This means lost productivity, high maintenance costs and a reduction in the overall efficiency of a factory.

The health risks of metalworking fluids have been recognised for some time and regulations to protect employees have been introduced in many countries. However, if these regulations are not adhered to it can be very easy for plant owners to expose their workers to dangerous substances that pose a significant health and safety risk.

Oil mist separators can remove oil particles from the air before they have the opportunity to enter the lungs and nose and throat. Particles larger than 3.5 microns are retained in the throat and bronchial tubes, while those smaller are absorbed into the bloodstream. This can lead to a variety of illnesses including pulmonary problems and lung cancer, as well as skin disorders, asthma and a range of other respiratory issues.

The wet type of air purifier uses a water droplet adsorption principle to realize the filtration and purification of oil mist. This kind of filter does not require a high voltage and saves energy. The disadvantage of this kind of adsorption is that the filter needs to be cleaned frequently.

Saves the Environment

Many modern manufacturing industries rely on machines for turning, grinding, milling and drilling metals. When these industrial machines use oil based coolant to lubricate their rotating machinery they generate fine airborne oil mist that can have serious effects on employees and the environment. This is why it’s important to have a top-rated oil mist separator and filter in place.

When these airborne oil droplets, which have a size range of 1 to 10 microns, float in the air they can be inhaled by employees and can also land on equipment and machinery where they form a sticky residue. This can result in costly maintenance and replacement costs.

Aside from health hazards, the presence of oil mist in the air can impact water and soil. It takes only a small amount of oil to pollute water, impacting its ability to absorb oxygen and light. It can also affect the porosity of the soil, keeping water from being able to infiltrate or aerate it.

The best way to reduce the effects of oil mist is with a coalescing oil mist separator. This type of air cleaner works on a physical principle called coalescence, where drops of oil and other liquids combine together to become larger, more easily removable drops from the air. Using a coalescing separator in an industrial environment can help to protect employees, save money, reduce maintenance and cleaning bills, prevent costly machine failures and reduce environmental impact.

Saves Money

The oil mist generated from lubrication systems within power generation plants must be eliminated to protect the health of employees, prevent environmental harm and save money. The problem is that if the contaminating oil vapor is not properly vented it can clog electronic sensors that control metal machinery and cause unscheduled shutdowns which can cost the plant large sums in maintenance and lost revenue.

Additionally, if the contaminated air is not vented properly it can clog the HVAC system and require expensive cleanings. A top-rated oil mist removal system can reduce energy costs by minimizing the need for venting and help to keep your shop running efficiently.

In addition, installing an electrostatic oil mist cleaner in your metalworking shop will improve the use of CNC machines, reduce the need for maintenance and repairs and help to keep your production schedule on track. A top-rated oil mist air filtration system will also keep dust and dirt from building up on your shop floors, walls and ceilings reducing housekeeping and cleaning expenses.

Challenges the Industry

Mist collection is a critical component of industrial processes, serving multiple vital functions, from maintaining operational efficiency and equipment lifespan to creating a safe work environment and complying with environmental regulations. Without effective mist control, airborne particles can cause a number of challenges for the manufacturing industry, including reduced productivity, costly equipment repairs, and hazardous working conditions.

Industrial machining produces wet contaminants, including oil mist and smoke, as metalworking fluids cool or lubricate parts and tools. These vapors pose a health risk to workers and create slippery OIL MIST PURIFIER floors that are a safety hazard. Additionally, modern machine tools are often controlled by sensitive electronics, and production can be lowered by unplanned disruptions caused by oil-contaminated circuit boards.

Fortunately, technology has advanced to address these problems. An oil mist filter can remove harmful airborne contaminants and prevent them from contaminating the surrounding workspace. These units are designed to draw the oil mist into a multi-stage filtration process, where they are separated from clean air and collected for reuse or disposal. The process begins with a pre-filtration cartridge that removes solid particulates and entrains bulk liquids, which increases the efficiency of the filter to 92%. Next, the accumulated oil mist droplets are further reduced by inertial impaction, which involves small dust particles and liquid impacting a deflecting surface to coalesce and be trapped.